Baptism Preparation

Leader/Director: Henry & Laura Bernadette

Líder/Director: Mr. Mesa

To help parents and godparents understand the meaning of this sacrament, its history and rite, their religious responsibility in raising the newly baptized in the Catholic faith.

See Baptism

First Holy Communion

Leader/Director: Patricia Hernandez

Parish-based sacrament program centered on teaching children, families, andthe community that God is a generous gift-giver. Along with classroom catechists, parents are engaged in the role of Catechist, enriching the sacramental experience for the child, family and parish community. Time: Commitment varies, depending on activities. Parent meetings, Sponsors Meeting, Retreats for children, youth and adults and other special activities.

See First Communion


Leader/Director: Patricia Hernandez

Students build upon their knowledge of the sacraments and the Creed and are challenged to recognize God’s presence in their lives – especially when it comesto making sound moral decisions and seeking social justice. Much of the classwill be involved in service-learning, where the group is exposed to many different opportunities to serve others and then reflect on those experiences. Students will participate in the sacrament of Reconciliation, Retreats, and Service Projects. All this culminates in their decision to receive the sacrament of Confirmation – the adult commitment to continue their faith journey.

See Confirmation

Quinceneras Ministry

Leader/Director: Betty Montoya

We teach our young ladies the Catholic fundamentals of the faith, of our Lord Jesus Christ, the importance of our Lady of the Virgin Mary and how to line these truths.

Quinceañera Agreement



Composed of various efforts to teach & form youth, young adults & adults in the community. Raise awareness of evangelization among the members of our parish community. Provide a welcoming environment for alienated and hurting Catholics as wellas those who are interested in joining the Catholic faith.


Leader/Director: Fr. Benjamin Flores & Pat Hernandez

Consists of a series of stages of preparation, as well as rites (rituals), which take place over a period of anywhere from nine months to a few years. 

Marriage and Family Life Ministry

Leader/Director: Fr. Benjamin Flores

Marriage Preparation

Leader/Director: Fr. Benjamin Flores

Marriage is the sacrament of a Christian commitment to a life together according to gospel values. Couples planning marriage must contact the Pastor at least six months prior to the wedding and are required to complete a Marriage Preparation course.